




The reason why independent people are full of charm is that they are constantly breaking through themselves and have the freedom to act without being tied to others. Too many people are quite well-behaved, and their hearts are repressed, but they forget that being uneasy about the status quo is the premise of progress.What we have learned about Yi An is such a "design research institute that is disturbed by the status quo", dedicated to creating a small community society that liberates parents to develop their children's nature, and designs in the community based on user behavior research. Yi'an's continuous "tossing" is to bring users peace of mind, the concept of daring to break through coincides with the innovative thinking of time and brand design, and it is destined to be a cooperation full of highlights.
Time and Time and Yi'an are the same design company. Time and Time focuses on brand design. It not only provides design for commercial brands, but also designs for professional design companies like Yi'an. It is a design company trusted, sought and needed by peers. . VI design, brand transformation and upgrading for Yi An, the text is deconstructed and reorganized, and the simple dots and lines form the brand name, which forms a visual contrast with the overall outline and circle. The minimalist style makes the logo more international and diversified, with a strong sense of design and recognition.The wandering people may be stable, but the restless heart will always be young. I believe that there will always be people who are uneasy in the current situation pushing the society forward, and there will always be companies like Yian standing in various industries. Stay passionate, stay restless, keep going.